JQL Question: My filters gives me right result but dosent show all issues in the board

Saurabh Chaudhary May 1, 2023

Hi All,


I have a filter (linkedIssue = SI-21 OR linkedIssue = SI-22 OR linkedIssue = SI-23 OR linkedIssue = SI-24 OR linkedIssue = SI-25 ORDER BY Rank ASC). This gives me all Epics and the stories under them as well. 

But when I use this filter in board I see very limited random issues only. My need is to see the Ecpis (SI-21 to SI25) which are in a different Software Project and the Stories of these which are in the project where I am creating the filter.

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Walter Buggenhout
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May 1, 2023

Hi @Saurabh Chaudhary,

There may be several reasons at play here, but these are very hard to judge without any insight in your configuration. The issues you see won't be random, though. A couple of things you can check:

  • You mention your filter returns epics (alongside other issues). On a scrum board, all epics are displayed on the Epics panel in the backlog view of your board, they will not appear on the board itself. The same applies if your board is a kanban board where the kanban backlog and the epics panel are enabled.
  • Your issues are linked to a workflow. If they are - as you mention - coming from multiple projects - workflows of different issues may be different as well. In order to be visible on the board, all statuses (of all workflows) must be mapped to columns of the board. Issues in unmapped statuses will not appear on the board. You can check that status to column mapping in board settings > columns.
  • If your board is a scrum board, only issues assigned to the current, active sprint will appear on the board. All other open issues will appear in the backlog, as long as their status is correctly mapped to the first column of the board.
  • In a kanban board, completed issues will automatically be hidden from the board after - I believe 14 days by default - from the board.

Hope this helps! 

Saurabh Chaudhary May 2, 2023

Thanks @Walter Buggenhout !

I have taken care of the above-mentioned points. It is a Scrum board and yes the Epics are displayed just fine as well.

It is many of the stories that are missing in the board backlog.

Saurabh Chaudhary May 2, 2023

It seems I will need to rejig and try some other query.

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