JQL Filter returning incorrect results on Custom Field

Mona Aghamirsalim May 22, 2024

I simply want to pull in tickets that have been created this month and that Work Request Type is NOT BAU Manual Recurring. However, I DO get BAU Manual Recurring the moment I add in the "work request type[dropdown]" IS EMPTY part.

created >= startOfMonth() AND project = AML AND ("work request type[dropdown]" != "BAU Manual Recurring" OR "work request type[dropdown]" IS EMPTY) ORDER BY created ASC

Screenshot 2024-05-22 131005.jpg



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Mona Aghamirsalim May 22, 2024

I figured it out myself. while I don't get why the AND ("work request type[dropdown]" != "BAU Manual Recurring" OR "work request type[dropdown]" IS EMPTY) statement doesn't work, the following worked for me. If anyone has an explanation, please do educate me.

The code that is working:


created >= startOfMonth()

AND project = AML

AND ("work request type[dropdown]" IN (New, "Modification / Enhancement", "Test_&_Learn") OR "work request type[dropdown]" IS EMPTY)

ORDER BY created ASC

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