JMX monitoring page is not accessible in JIRA 7.10.1

sachin sharma August 6, 2018

Recently upgraded from JIRA 7.3.4 to 7.10.1. 


The JMX monitoring page located at 

https://<Jira_url>/secure/admin/JmxMonitoringAction.jspa returns 404 page.

2 answers

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sachin sharma August 8, 2018

I got the answer. I had customized the file atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/actions.xml. Once merged the new changes from Jira 7.10.1, it worked. 

0 votes
sachin sharma August 6, 2018

This is what I see in logs:



/secure/admin/JmxMonitoringAction.jspa [c.a.j.web.dispatcher.JiraWebworkActionDispatcher] Exception thrown from action 'JmxMonitoringAction', returning 404
WebworkConfigurationNotFoundException{class=class webwork.config.XMLActionConfiguration, message='No such view mapping', name='JmxMonitoringAction.actionRoles.actionRoles'}

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