JIRA software free, in the backlog screen, the fix version did not display around the issues.

lvyq August 24, 2021


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Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
Community Leader
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August 25, 2021

Hi @lvyq 

Its because you use Team Managed Project. In Company Managed Projects you will see version information in Backlog view. 

I don't recall any way to modify this appearance in TMP.

Best regards,


lvyq August 25, 2021

understand, whether the free JIRA can create the company managed projects ?

Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
Community Leader
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August 25, 2021

Yes, sure! Just click Projects -> Create project -> Scrum template in Software development category -> Select a company-managed project 


Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
Community Leader
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August 25, 2021

One more thing - you can't just migrate from Team-managed to Company-managed so you need to create a new project and move the issues. Please check this documentation. Especially read carefully the section: "Things to keep in mind if you migrate from team-managed to company-managed"

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