JIRA custom authentication

Jahid Shohel January 2, 2012


We use JIRA for our issue tracking. We have a authentication product, and we are planning to use our authentication system integrated with JIRA and avoid JIRA's default web login. The questions are -

1) Is it possible?

2) It will be a widget or it will be a plugin?

3) Is there any tutorial that you can suggest?

4) Any hint? Any Java class you can mention? Any inteceptor that i need to use to intercept and push login info?

Beause I have read about plugin and gadgets. But I don't know how to attach custom authenticator.

Thanks in advance,


2 answers

0 votes
Jonathan Wadin March 6, 2016


Sorry for come back to this topic but have you found an issue ?

I would like to do the same.



Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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March 6, 2016

The answer I gave four years ago has not really changed.  On Cloud, you have two possible directories - Cloud internal or Google accounts.  That's it, you can't use any others.

(I think Atlassian are working on a third option, but I don't have a timetable or idea of how it's progressing)

Jonathan Wadin March 7, 2016

Thanks for your answer,


But my instance of JIRA isn't Cloud but Server.

Do you have some ideas to put in order this ? (Use replace JIRA authentification to custom authentification)


Thank you,


Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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March 7, 2016

The question was about Cloud, so I'm not sure that a non-Cloud question on a 4 year old subject is the best place.  I'm also not sure what you're asking for either.  I'd suggest a new question with an explanation of what you're trying to accomplish would be better (as only people involved in a question get notified, whereas a new question will go to the full audience).  Make sure you include that it's for server, or you'll just get a repeat of "not on cloud" answers.

Jonathan Wadin March 7, 2016

I'll open another subject so. Thanks.

0 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 2, 2012
  1. Yes and No
  2. Plugin is the way I've done it in the past, because widgets float on top of a framework that includes authentication, and the authentication is what you're after. I don't think you can get a gadget to go that deep into the core of the application. You will probably need something aimed more at Crowd than Jira itself though.
  3. Start at http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DEV/Single+Sign-on+Integration+with+JIRA+and+Confluence
  4. As 3, probably

However, the answer to 1 was intended to stop you dead. You've asked this about "OnDemand", which is a hosted product. We can't help you with that. You will need to ask Atlassian to install whatever your authentication method is, and I suspect the answer to that request will be a flat "No". Feel free to ask them, of course, I don't know if they'd be happy to do it. I just think they'll say no. Also, I understand OnDemand uses Crowd to handle users, so you wouldn't look at Jira for it at all, you'd definitely be writing for Crowd.

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