JIRA Xporter Template - pull a specific value from a field list

Kurt Willrich March 5, 2020

Hi All,

  I'm working on an Xporter Template (Excel tempate).  I am trying to return a specific value of a field (label manager field).  I can use the string ${Customer}, which pulls the value of all the customers listed.  What I would like to do is pull one specific customer, instead of all of them.  How would I go about pulling a specific value from the field list?  For example, if I have a customer named George, how do I only pull George's name from the field instead of all the customers?  I have looked in the existing templates, but didn't see a similar function/string.  Thanks!

1 answer

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Kurt Willrich March 6, 2020

OK, so I have been able to return the value I'm looking for using this method:

&{for issues|filter=%{'${Stakeholders}'.equals('[Corporate]')}}

This method populates the value exactly as [Corporate], which includes the brackets, and this is what I need.

Is there a way to filter to also include variances of this value, such as:





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