JIRA Toolkit Plugin for AOD?

Michael Berkowitz January 23, 2012

Is the JIRA Toolkit Plugin available for AOD? If not, will I be able to use AOD JIRA for customer support?

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January 24, 2012

The JIRA Toolkit plugin is included in the bundled plugins in OnDemand. (Just for reference, the Plugin policy)

While some functionality is not available in OnDemand, the majority of the features remain the same. For a full picture you can check out the Restricted Functions. Not being able to use jelly scripts limits some of the transition options, but it isn't by any means a blocker. The trio of JIRA as a help desk links are below...not light reading, but a ton of great info for setting your instance up.


There is a bunch of info around regarding the setup, but if you get stuck, don't hesitate to submit a support request.

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