JIRA Template - Exchange 'Projects' or screens

Sundale IT
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July 7, 2011

We have extended the workflow JIRA framework to cover multiple scenarios eg.

Document control, Risk Management, Staff & Client Feedback, Service Desk (ICT and Payroll) and a number of others.

My question is two fold, is there anyway we can share our 'projects' to give back to the community (we are on a NFP community license)? OR secondly we are searching/wishing to exchange with other like minded organisations

ie. We are wishing to bind our Change Management/Outage Helpdesk notices to JIRA. Its a simple enough task but by the time we create the Dashboard/Velocity template/Custom screen etc. we were hoping someone else had done something similar or wish to collaborate on the exercise.



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Jim Birch
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July 7, 2011

This is a bit problematic because the information used to configure a project is scattered around in different places, fields, screens, workflows, etc. You can export parts but not the whole shebang.

I'd love to see a unified project definition template that contains the lot so it could be exported, merged and reused.

Betsy Walker
Rising Star
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July 7, 2011

I agree. If an XML backup was done, then loaded to a test instance, then everything deleted but the one project, that'd do it. Isn't that what Atlassian does for their example projects?

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