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May 19, 2017


we have a jira user which is used to authenticate rest api calls from a script. The authentication is done via basic auth. It all works usually fine.

The problem is that sometimes the reCAPTCHA kicks in and the script can't authenticate itself anymore. If i log in manually with this user and solve the captcha it will work again.

Can i disable the reCAPTCHA mechanism for this user or how can i configure this user as an API user?

Thanks for any help!

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 9, 2017


In regards to Captcha it cannot be disabled for one user.  In light of that you can also reset the failed login count from the database so if he has db access they can do it using the instructions in How to reset failed login count from JIRA application Database.

There is also an open feature request to allow disabling CAPTCHA for one user that you can find at JRASERVER-40362.  Please vote on this issue so you will be notified of any workarounds or updates as they become available.  In addition add your use case in the comments so our developers have a better idea of why JIRA users would want to disable CAPTCHA for one user at a time.



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