JIRA Other Teams' Future Sprints Show Up

Joshua Harris April 30, 2019


When editing an issue (Story) and selecting a sprint, in the suggested sprints section, I see other sprints that aren't in the project that the issue (story) is in. Is there a way to restrict this by only showing the relevant sprints? 

In the screen shot - this story is in the project with the blue arrows. Those are the only sprints that should show up, or at least show up first. The red arrows are sprints from a different team and completely unrelated.  




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Mikael Sandberg
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April 30, 2019

No, sprints are not tied to the project so the list cannot be limited, they are similar to labels. I always tell my developers to not set the sprint from the issue detail view, so they avoid picking the wrong sprint. Instead I recommend to always use the board to drag-n-drop the issue into the sprint.

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