I am trying to change the status of an issue via JIRA rest.
curl -D- -X PUT -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46SDF0MXQ=" --data "{\"fields\":{\"summary\":\"AAAAAA\"}, \"transitions\":{\"id\": \"4\"}}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/issue/TG-18"
Here is the data :
"{\"fields\":{\"summary\":\"AAAAAA\"}, \"transitions\":{\"id\": \"4\"}}
And the responce is 204. But the status doesnt change :( There is no error. How can I make it work?
Thanks in advance
Hi Bahar,
I did a quick test on this, and I believe that you may change an issue status by running the following cURL command:
curl -D- -u admin:admin -X POST --data @/Users/BaBs/Desktop/test.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/jira/rest/api/2/issue/JC-11/transitions?expand=transitions.fields
Basically, you could try to run the same command by switching the user credentials, the location of the JSON data and also the hostname and I hope that it will help. For your reference, the content of the JSON file is pasted below:
{ "update": { "comment": [ { "add": { "body": "Comment added when resolving issue" } } ] }, "transition": { "id": "5" } }
In my local instance, the transition with the ID 5 will resolve an issue.
I hope the above info helps!
For your reference Bahar, you may check the following REST API documentation for more info on transitioning an issue via REST:
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Thank you Ahmad, I did what you tell, and it worked :)
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Great to know that Bahar. :)
Anyway, could you please mark this thread as answered?
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Thanks Bahar, glad to know that the info provided helps!
Have a pleasant day!
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Can you please provide a complete URL string with all necessary parameters in order to change its status considering we have an issue here :
P.S.: I would like to know what to type in a browser's address string in order to get an issue's status updated!
Thank you very much!
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As you're sending the POST request to /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions then the included update for the comment is not performed, it seems you need to make an additional PUT request to /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey} for that part
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Good day! I tried to use the code above and was able to successfully change the issue. However, the assignee field was also automatically assigned to me. Is there a way to retain the assignee and change the status only?
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While changing the transitions, how to update themandatory fields.
EX:- to assign an issue to QA, we need to give the Tester name along with the request file. But I am unable to do the same. Normal transitioning is happening but not while some mandatory field is also required..
please help.
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Hierarchy for the field to be updated:
custom_field( "QA Tester(s)" appears on the JIRA UI )
I need to update the name of the QA Tester(s).
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I am able to successfully update an issue with the following code:
bz_answer = 'customfield_11801'
jiraput={'update' : {'summary' : [ { 'set' : summary } ]
,bz_answer : [ { 'set' : {answermode : answer } } ]
,'comment': [ { 'add' : { 'body' : comment2jira } } ]
cmd = '/rest/api/2/issue/' + issuenumber + '?notifyUsers=false'
uri = jira_server + cmd
p = requests.put(uri, json=jiraput, auth=(user, password) , verify=False )
The following command works fine for a transition:
jira.transition_issue(issuenumber, '121', fields= { bz_answer : {'value' : answer} } )
However, I get a 405 return code when attempting to update for a transition with the put method:
bz_answer = 'customfield_11801'
jiraput={'update' : { 'comment' : [ { 'add' : { 'body' : comment2jira } } ]
# ,bz_answer : [ { 'set' : {'value' : answer } } ]
'fields' : { bz_answer : {'value' : answer }
# bz_answer : [ { 'set' : {'value' : answer } } ]
'transition' : {'id' : '121'}
cmd = '/rest/api/2/issue/' + issuenumber + '/transitions?expand=transitions.fields'
uri = jira_server + cmd
p = requests.put(uri, json=jiraput, auth=(user, password) , verify=False )
I tried to include the custom field update within the 'update' section, or the 'fields' section and it does not make a difference.
I also tried using the set method in the 'fields' section. All of these attempts result in 405 error.
The 405 return code does not provide any error text so I have no idea what is wrong.
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nevermind... A peer reviewed and found I needed the post method rather than put method.
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Find out ID's of Transitions:
Update Issue Status via:
curl -D- -u <USER>:<PASS> -X POST --data '{"transition":{"id":"<TRANSITION_ID>"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" <JIRA_URL>:<JIRA_PORT>/rest/api/latest/issue/<JIRA_ISSUE>/transitions?expand=transitions.fields
curl -D- -u <USER>:<PASS> -X POST --data @file_name.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" <JIRA_URL>:<JIRA_PORT>/rest/api/latest/issue/<JIRA_ISSUE>/transitions?expand=transitions.fields
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I would recommend removing your Authorization header in this example as it contains your username and password in base64 encoding.
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I'm trying to update assignee and change state with the following code.
{ "transition": { "id": "11" }, "update":{ "assignee":[{"set":{"name":"username"}}] } }
I'm using PUT on
Just assignee changed but not the issue state.
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I would first get available transitions:
Then do a post:
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