JIRA Dashboard

Cormac O'Riordan
March 20, 2017

I am trying to share a dashboard with my colleagues, however when they open the dashboard, they get the following errors; 

 Average Time in Status:
"An internal server error occurred when requesting resource"
"Unfortunately, one or more of your preferences are now unavailable. Please update your preferences, or remove gadget by clicking delete from the title bar above."
An error occurred while generating the response.
Issue Statistics:
"The filter configured for this gadget could not be retrieved. Please verify it is still valid on the issue navigator."

Does anyone know how to resolve ?



7 answers

8 votes
Alan Gore
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December 10, 2018

This error just appeared for me on a load of pie-charts that were working perfectly. It's not permissions related (they haven't changed). 

Farbod Saraf
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December 10, 2018

Same here, faced issued while loading a pie chart which used to work.

Miles Monty December 10, 2018

Yup, +1. Atlassian broke Pie Charts. Somehow :/ 

Farbod Saraf
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December 10, 2018

Resolved apparently, at least for me.

Alan Gore
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December 11, 2018

Yep, now working again. 

Benjamin Yu May 16, 2019

Same here. Lots of error messages: 

The filter configured for this gadget could not be retrieved. Please verify it is still valid on the issue navigator.

Is this a bug?

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November 13, 2019

click on Issue navigator to see the actual issue - might be filter permission, Or project access

Sathish Raj December 21, 2022

If you click on the issue navigator then this message is shown 

A value with ID '11442' does not exist for the field 'project'. but the ID exists
4 votes
Cormac O'Riordan
March 20, 2017

Hi Thomas,

I do use filters yes. I'm not sure how I would share them though ?

Thomas Schlegel
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March 20, 2017
  • Issues -> Manage filters
  • Select "My" on the left side of the filter
  • Click on the gear -> Edit
  • Add Shares (don't forget to click "Add" - a common mistake) and Save

Make this for each filter you use in your dashboard.

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Cormac O'Riordan
March 20, 2017

Excellent. That has worked. Thanks very much.

Thomas Schlegel
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March 20, 2017

You're welcome smile

Lydia Modrzewski
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May 7, 2018

Thank you, Thomas!!!

Dane Kantner
August 13, 2018

I am experiencing this error and the above does not seem to do anything.   I can view all of my filters under manage filters. I have about 40 that are "favorited" and shared; I have no idea if there were shared ones that were favorited and gone missing, but there's no indication in any GUI that anything seems out of order or otherwise missing. In the link for the error it says to go to "issue navigator" and has a preset filter ID 10600. I assume maybe this is the deleted filter--where is it getting this and why would it not show the remaining items or just remove the favorited item from my favorites list? I've hovered over every filter ID created and none of them match the 10600 but it's clear that was probably an actual old filter ID. This is a bug if this is what's really happening. 

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abioneperhobby December 9, 2019

why i can make a dashboard shared with logged user / group if it use filters to feed widgets and filters can be shared only with specific users?

Shashidhar NG
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December 21, 2022

Excellent! it worked... Thanks for sharing the steps

1 vote
Gomez, Daniel
November 5, 2021

i had the same issue. filter looked good, dashboard permissions were good, page id was in url, dashboard and filter were shared, permission scheme was good, users had correct project role. The owner of the filter and dashboard could see the gadgets on the dashboard, but other users in the projects could not. The problem was the filter had two projects in it and only one of the projects was added to the filter permission. Plus, a group was added to the filter permission. Added the group to the users and added the other project to the filter permissions and now they can see it.

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October 7, 2024

Thank you for this suggestion. I had the filter access set to all logged in viewers and yet the users got "The filter configured for this gadget could not be retrieved. Please verify it is still valid on the issue navigator."

Your suggestion worked. All I had to do was allow the user permissions to both projects. They only had permissions for one.

1 vote
Rainee Rohrbacher
January 9, 2020

I am also having this error on my dashboard and it doesn't have anything to do with the solutions mentioned here. I don't share the workspace with anyone else at this point and only have one filter. 

Alessandro Lombardo February 11, 2021

I'm having the same issue on a version 7.2 of jira server. Which version of jira do you have? is it server application?

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Thomas Schlegel
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March 20, 2017

Hi Cormac,

do you use filters in your dashboard gadgets that are not shared with your colleagues?

abioneperhobby December 9, 2019

i'm in the same situation,

i have a dashboard shared with every logged user,

the dashboard contains a "Filter Results" Widget, by atlassian,

the filter results are feeded by a filter,

the filter is shared with a user,

this user cannot see the widget due of the error reported.

0 votes
Rayanne October 14, 2021

I figured this out! The initial answer is no longer valid with the current version. 

So my colleagues were unable to load my filter dashboard gadgets I created, they were getting the "The filter configured for this gadget could not be retrieved. Please verify it is still valid on the issue navigator." response.

So what is wrong is your filter is private. If you go to the Filters tab at the top, then view all filters. Find the filter you created/wanted to share click the three dots on the right from the list screen, and 'edit'. Change the 'viewers' to 'My Organization', click add and save.

Screen Shot 2021-10-14 at 1.01.07 PM.png

Now the dashboards should load for your colleagues because the filters which they were created from has been deprivatized! 

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October 12, 2021

I am now experiencing this issue as well. I've checked all permissions and sharing and am unable to resolve. 

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October 12, 2021

I found my resolution. When sharing the dashboard, ensure the page id is appended on the end of the link. To confirm, direct users to search for the dashboard through the dashboard drop down. Alternatively, navigating away and returning to the dashboard will ensure the page id is displayed in the URL for sharing. Thanks!

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November 10, 2021

Hi Elizabeth, I have verified all settings and also verified that URL having page id is appended but still I have same issue.


I am not sure why it is not working for me.Dashboard.png

Gomez, Daniel
November 10, 2021

if theres more than one project in the filter it will need to be added to the filter permission. Check groups to, might have to be part of a group.

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