JIRA Create on Transition Plugin Availability

Craig Hylwa January 4, 2012

Is this plugin still available?

Does funtionality provide for creating multiple sub-tasks via the post function?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 4, 2012

I did it by adding several post-functions, one for each task.

Craig Hylwa January 4, 2012

Hi Nic
Can you explain how to access the function of this plugin I have installed it succesfully but can not figue out how to access it. I am somewhat new to Jira


Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 4, 2012

Go to edit the workflow, and look for post-functions, it should be available as one of the post-function types you can run.

Craig Hylwa January 4, 2012

OK found it! Great help save me alot of time.

Does it matter where I place it in the sequence of post functions? Meaning can it be placed after the last post function " Fire Issue Created event that can be processed by the listeners" ? or should it be before that?

Craig Hylwa January 4, 2012

OK done!

thx for the help

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 4, 2012

I'd place it just before "index this issue", but I don't think it really matters too much.

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Bob Swift (personal)
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January 5, 2012

Here is the documentation reference for others: JIRA Create on Transition Plugin or on the plugin exchange at https://plugins.atlassian.com/plugin/details/697735?versionId=724661

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