JEMH supported features ?

ipguy December 4, 2011


This is a question to any JEMH adopter

I'm trying to understand JEMH's capabilities to see if it fits our needs.

I have a Jira/JEMH requirement that I was hoping to get some feedback with:

1) Client emails support.
2) Jira/JEMH creates an account if not already created.
3) Account creation is restricted to JEMH domain whitelist.
4) If user belongs to whitelisted domain they are able to view other issues/tickets submitted from same domain.

Does the above scenario possible when using JEMH ?

7 answers

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Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
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December 5, 2011

Ah, right. Well perhaps no then. JIRA doesn't/won't support issue level security which is kind of required for what you describe, as you only get one level of 'BROWSE' see

Whislt JIRA security is done at a project level, to implement what you describe can be done but not for one project. You would need mulitple projects (actually one per domain), then a new feature would be required to MAP inbound user domains to specific projects, which is where I came in with -506. Its possible something could be done with custom fields and group pickers in the permission scheme, in conjunction with -506

That would (when written) allow auto-joining to a group that had permissions in the target project. ie, you have to do project setup per domain supported. Of course this can get more complex with automated project creation and so on, but one step at a time.

Features such as this could be implemented after JEMH 1.0, for this expanded case I created

Im curious so may test out the CF theory.

0 votes
ipguy December 4, 2011
Ok but there "will" need to be multiple domains users from "multiple domains", only thing I need to do is insure domain users see only tickets from there domain. Are we still on the same page ?
0 votes
ipguy December 4, 2011

mmm.. i don't think i understand why i need to do that ?

i just want to make sure">* can see each others tickets but not tickets from *

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Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
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December 4, 2011

I think we are on the same page, so long as auto-created users (whitelisted are joined to KEY-users. users from @otherdomain fail with whitelist for user creation and wont be able to log in. Comments above regarding permission scheme changes still hold.

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Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
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December 4, 2011

Sounds like the project permission scheme needs changing, removing just the 'reporter' for BROWSE and adding the JEMH auto-join group in its place?

0 votes
ipguy December 4, 2011
Re #4, I've only created one project that will be used for the helpdesk/support ticketing system. Currently all automatically created users only see there own tickets I take it then by your answer that #4 is possible ? (just hoping for further clarification)
0 votes
Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 4, 2011


#1 Yes, clients email a mailbox that JEMH can pickup from via JIRA Mail Services

#2 Yes, you can configure JEMH to do this using a couple of strategies for picking a username, including ldap lookup

#3 Yes, you can configure an approprate regexp for createUsersIDFromEmailDomainWhitelist

#4 Kinda. If you have a single domain, you can nominate a group eg KEY-users, if you grant that group via console 'right to use' then they will be able to log in. If you also allocate that group in the project roles, they will be able to see the project, which is what you desribe.

Mulitple projects is a different ballgame, selectin an auto-join group based on the project key, eg KEY-users, is possible but not written, logged as


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