It is possible to group by on a board by a Custom field by choice?

Eva Maria Valero April 18, 2024

I am trying to visualize my task by a custom field created on my organization?

3 answers

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Yuri Lapin _Release Management_
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May 15, 2024

Hi @Eva Maria Valero ,

If you are up to Marketplace Apps I would suggest to try out our Advanced Agile & Kanban Boards. Here you can pick any Standard or Custom Fields as Columns/Swimlanes, Auto-Populate it based on your data and also decide on custom sorting.


If your custom field is single- or multi-select (meaning there's a limited set of value) ... you can also create JQL based swimlanes with standard boards functionality. Otherwise (if set of values is not limited) .. we suggest to use our App as this is more practical.

Kind regards,


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 18, 2024

Hi @Eva Maria Valero 


Not sure if what you are trying to do is to configure Jira board? if so please see this page: Configure a company-managed board 





Eva Maria Valero May 16, 2024

thanks @Odd_lynice 

0 votes
Walter Buggenhout
Community Leader
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April 18, 2024

Hi @Eva Maria Valero,

Not if your project is team managed. In those projects, you are confined to the predefined options to group by: assignee, epic or subtask.

In a company managed project's board, you can define swimlanes to achieve the same result. While you cannot just select the custom field you have set up dynamically, you can create a separate swimlane for each value from your custom field using a JQL filter. Suppose your custom field would represent a department, you could set up  swimlanes like this:

  • Navigate to your board connfiguration
  • Select the swimlanes tab
  • As method for your swimlanes select queries
  • Define a query for each department (e.g. Department = "HR", Department = "Finance", ...

Hope this helps!

Eva Maria Valero May 16, 2024

Thanks @Walter Buggenhout 

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