Issues with same status are not filtered properly in dashboard statistics

gmb1226 June 10, 2020

Hi all.

I've run into a weird issue.

I seem to have created issues with the same 'status' name, but different status ID's. 


Hovering over the lowest "IN PROGRESS" status brings up the tooltip for the build-in IN PROGRESS status. However the others dont have this.


I noticed this after I executed a workflow scheme switch across all our projects. So I suspect something under the hood is corrupt, but I'm not exactly sure what.


If I examine the available status options in the filter tab, I only see one "In Progress" option.


I also see only one "IN PROGRESS" status under Admin->Issue Attributes->Statuses


I would try to bulk edit these if they had different statuses, but from Jira's filter perspective, they ARE the same. However Issue Statistics shows them having some difference.


How can I unify these rogue statuses?



On further examination, this appears to be due to a mixture of Next-Gen and Classic statuses. So I suppose I could limit this issue statistics to only Classic Projects. But if possible, I would like to group the statuses with the same name together.


2 answers

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John Funk
Community Leader
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June 10, 2020

Hi @gmb1226  - This happens because Next-gen creates multiple versions of the same status (and custom fields, too!). 

If you limit your filter by project that is used in the gadget, that should help. 

But you can't just move the cards to another "In Progress" status because that might cause them to disappear off of the appropriate Next-gen board. 

gmb1226 June 12, 2020

Hi John,

Your idea does work but I would consider it a work around and not a solution. To work around this, I filtered out all next-gen projects. However, I'm managing a Jira instance with a mix of over 30 projects, and it seems it would only continue to be a work around to keep adding projects to this filter. 

I was hoping there was some way to filter by project type, ex. if project.type is next-gen or project.type is classic, but I am unable to find such a filter.

John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 13, 2020

You should be able to use the Category field in the project itself. You can create whatever names you like.

Go to Settings > Project > Details

Place the value you want there, or create a new one. Then in your filter just use:

Categroy = Next-gen (or whatever you decide)

You will need to update that field after you create each project. 

0 votes
gmb1226 June 10, 2020

On further examination, this appears to be due to a mixture of Next-Gen and Classic statuses. 

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