Issues with SLA Automation

Michelle Sharp May 7, 2024

Got a weird one, I have set our SLA's automation to issue 3 reminders for tickets before they are auto-closed,  For the best part, these are working as expected, but I'm getting edge cases where the automation isn't even registering for the ticket and when I search the Audit log I am unable to find a ticket reference, only the black notification attached.  I'm assuming these are for the few tickets where automation isn't being picked up as there is no actual log of the actual ticket.  They seem to be Missing.  Has anyone experienced this before????

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 14.27.12.png

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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May 7, 2024

@Michelle Sharp, you might be running into what is detailed on this question -


Atlassian has said the bug is fixed, but I've seen cases where the bug fix either isn't 100% or that it crops back up with a new release.

Michelle Sharp May 8, 2024

we are running a Data Center, and weirdly enough, the tickets affected don't actually register on the SLA automation. Its like they are not even seen or even skipped.. but others are fine.  Thanks though 

Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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May 8, 2024

I didn't realize you were running data center. They have a bug in the long term backlog for the issue.

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