I have a few users (including myself) reporting that they are getting an error when trying to upload an attachment in JIRA but it seems to be working for others.
This is an example of the error, is anyone familiar with that or what we have to do in order to resolve? Thanks!
{"config":{"transformRequest":{},"transformResponse":{},"timeout":0,"xsrfCookieName":"XSRF-TOKEN","xsrfHeaderName":"X-XSRF-TOKEN","maxContentLength":-1,"headers":{"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, */*","Authorization":"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiI0MzYyNmI4NC04Mjc4LTRlNjYtYmNiZC0zMDk4NDljYThhOGUiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTpjb2xsZWN0aW9uOnVwbG9hZC11c2VyLWNvbGxlY3Rpb24tMTAxMzI2Njc2IjpbInJlYWQiLCJjcmVhdGUiLCJ1cGRhdGUiXSwidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTp1cGxvYWQ6KiI6WyJyZWFkIiwiY3JlYXRlIiwidXBkYXRlIl0sInVybjpmaWxlc3RvcmU6Y2h1bms6KiI6WyJyZWFkIiwiY3JlYXRlIl19LCJleHAiOjE1MDkwMzI4MzAsIm5iZiI6MTUwOTAzMTU3MH0.bvtw_gNw96wIaYGQ1MUb3W0SKf1KZvkUEO2zRwEszBk","X-Client-Id":"43626b84-8278-4e66-bcbd-309849ca8a8e","Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8"},"method":"PUT","url":"https://media-api.atlassian.io/upload/ead1d394-6cad-4273-bdaf-314f98dc9b25/chunks","data":"{\"chunks\":[\"9512006d4133403167683367413225aa11bb63dd-5351\"],\"offset\":0}"},"response":{"data":{"error":{"code":"Unauthorized","title":"Authorization header is missing or invalid"}},"status":401,"statusText":"Unauthorized","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","cache-control":"proxy-revalidate","content-length":"86"},"config":{"transformRequest":{},"transformResponse":{},"timeout":0,"xsrfCookieName":"XSRF-TOKEN","xsrfHeaderName":"X-XSRF-TOKEN","maxContentLength":-1,"headers":{"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, */*","Authorization":"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiI0MzYyNmI4NC04Mjc4LTRlNjYtYmNiZC0zMDk4NDljYThhOGUiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTpjb2xsZWN0aW9uOnVwbG9hZC11c2VyLWNvbGxlY3Rpb24tMTAxMzI2Njc2IjpbInJlYWQiLCJjcmVhdGUiLCJ1cGRhdGUiXSwidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTp1
We at Merck KGaA have the same problem - it occurs for some people (in the US primarily) but most of our JIRA users are ok. The problem seems to have started around mid-October 2017. We are very eager to resolve this.
We have had an open Atlassian ticket for several weeks but there's no progress to report. The posting above is the first I've found with someone reporting the exact same symptoms and error ("authorization header is missing").
Thank you for the feedback. I see Ezra last responded to you today so it looks like he's still working on the issue.
If you are sure that none of the IP ranges or domains for Cloud are being blocked in your system, I would wait to see what he comes up with. He may need to escalate your issue to a senior engineer eventually. However, once he determines the reason, please feel free to respond on this public thread so other users can see what the issue was.
Kind Regards,
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We received a data point yesterday that for one person experiencing the attachment problem the functionality worked correctly *outside* of Merck's network.
I'm told that our Network team will swarm today around this issue so I hope an answer is found. However, it's interesting to me that from what I gather in prior posts that our problems began around the same time in October. I wonder, did Atlassian make any hosting changes around that time?
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Thanks, George! I've let Ezra know so he can include this information on his case.
As for changes, not that I am aware of, but we'll be able to look into that for you on that support ticket and raise a bug request if necessary.
Kind Regards,
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The issue was ultimately resolved by our Network team. Unfortunately, I didn't get the final word on exactly what the root cause was.
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Thank you for the update. If you do find out please feel free to share here in case other users have the same problem.
Kind regards,
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We experience the same issue with JIRA Cloud. There seems to be a problem when an Authorization header is used.
We are behind a corporate firewall and somehow this seems to prevent the Authorization header to go through.
Regards, Manuel
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Hi Manuel,
Can you confirm that your firewall allows all of the following IP ranges and domains through?
Atlassian Cloud IP ranges and domains
We host our attachments and other media/scripts, etc. on an external server, so this could be causing the error you are seeing.
Kind Regards,
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yes, I believe so. The addresses are available via get requests, but POST requests with Authentication header are failing in our environment. I already contacted our network department obviously, but they didn't come up with a solution so far. It's about 2-3 weeks that we are seeing this issue.
Thanks for your help
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Thank you, Manuel.
Can you confirm if you also have this issue outside of your network? If not, it may indeed be that something is still being blocked by your network.
Please also make sure the following are whitelisted in your network:
https://*.atlassian.com https://*.atlassian.net * https://*.jira.com * https://*.atlassian.io
Let us know if you have any trouble.
Kind Regards,
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Hi Shannon,
fortunately our network team was able to solve the problem in the meantime. This was indeed an issue in our network settings. The Symantec Bluecoat network proxy removed the authorization header for the POST request.
After the change to include the atlassian.io URL in the whitelist it worked again.
Internal investigation:
...and it looks like the authentication is denied by backend policy for POST and PUT methods for this specific trasnproxy / SAML deployment. Please try to add atlassian.io to authentication bypass list
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Thank you for letting me know, Manuel. Happy to see the recommendation to add the URL to your whitelist worked.
Do let us know if you have any further issues!
Kind Regards,
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Having the same problem. Are using cloud based Jira (https://naonshoreops.atlassian.net)
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Works with IE 11, but not with Chrome.
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Hi there,
Do you happen to be behind a firewall or VPN when you run into this issue? The users adding attachments are regular Jira users, correct? None of them are any add-on users?
Kind Regards,
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Can you let us know what version of Jira you're running currently? Are the users that are able to upload doing so from a different location or network?
Kind Regards,
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Hi Shannon,
I'm not sure if this is the version but when I click the question mark and choose 'About JIRA' this is what I see:
Copyright © 2002 - 2017 Atlassian Corporation Pty Ltd.
Also, some users who can upload are in different locations, but some are in the same office as the people have trouble.
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Hi Jamie,
Specifically, are you on Jira Server or Cloud? If you're on server, do you happen to know the version number?
Kind Regards,
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