Issue transition with required fields originalEstimate via REST

Антон Бутиков October 10, 2017


can you please help me. I'm not able to perform a transition via REST if some fields are required. In my case it is Original Estimate.




{"operations": ["set", "edit"],

"required": false,

"name": "Time Tracking",

"key": "timetracking",

"schema": {"type": "timetracking", "system": "timetracking"}},

Now I'm trying to move Key-89 to status "FINISHED".

Jira.transition_issue(issue, tWork, fields={'originalEstimate' : "5m"})


{"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"originalEstimate":"Field 'originalEstimate' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown."}}

Unfortunately the hint on the other question in the Forum throws this error:

{"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"timetracking":"Field does not support update 'timetracking'"}}

Here is how it looks like in the WebUI:



Do you have anny suggestions? 

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Антон Бутиков October 18, 2017

Regarding the way you make the call, I found an example in the documentation where the original estimate need to be inside "timetracking", like this:

        "timetracking": {
            "originalEstimate": "4m",
            "remainingEstimate": "3m",

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