Issue status not reflected on active board view

Viola Panzeri April 22, 2024

I've been creating a new issue status, but while this is working when assigning it from the ticket view itself, it does not reflect in the active sprint board.

This is the message I am getting. I have admin permission so should be fine on that front. The workflow has been updated to reflect the newly introduced status "review", but still not sure where the problem is.
Could you please advise? Thanks


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Kai Becker
Community Leader
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April 22, 2024

Hi @Viola Panzeri 

thanks for your question. It does look like that the mapping of statuses and columns has not been updated in the board config.

At the top of your board there should be a ... menu.
Go to board settings and then columns and drag the new statuses to the corresponding columns (or create new columns, if needed)

Hope this helps.

Viola Panzeri April 22, 2024

It worked, thank you!

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Kai Becker
Community Leader
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April 22, 2024

You're welcome :)

Please don't forget to accept the answer to mark you question as resolved.

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Ntamen kamogne harry Michel
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April 22, 2024
John Funk
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April 22, 2024

Your link is to JSM. The question is about Jira Software. 

Ntamen kamogne harry Michel
Rising Star
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April 22, 2024

thank you @John Funk  for your observation

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