Issue Remaing Time and Workflow post-function

Alexandre Assier March 4, 2019

Hi All,

It seems I’ve got an issue with the post-function on workflows and the Remaining Estimate time field.

I’d like to delete the Remaing Estimate time when I Close a task.

So I’ve added a post-function in my workflow like in this Confluence section:


The post-function is correctly listed in my transition to Close status.

But when I Close a task, the remaining estimate is not cleared.

Is there a bug or do I not use this function as it should be used to clear the field? (I remember that I already used it without any issue)


Thanks a lot,



1 answer

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Claudiu Lionte
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 4, 2019

Hi Alex,

I believe it's because of the postition (order) of your clear remaining estimate post-function. Try moving it a few positions down and see how that works.

You might also want to check the actual post-function's name. If it's clearing the remaining estimate, try changing that post-function with one that will set it to 0.


Alexandre Assier March 5, 2019

Hi Claudiu,

 Thanks a lot for your suggestions.

 I've tried to move down to all the position the  clear remaining estimate post-function and it still not working.

 So, I've tried your second suggestion and use the post function to set the value of Remaining Estimate to 0. It works but only in one  transition : from Open (ReOpened) to Close directly. If I use the "commun" workflow (Open -> In Progress -> Resolved -> Closed), it'n not working. The Remaining Estimate is not set to 0. I've tried to move the position too but nothing change.


Close Post function.jpg


Do you have another idea?


Thanks a lot for your help


Claudiu Lionte
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 6, 2019

Hi Alex,

It looks like you have 2 post-functions regarding that remaining estimate field. Try using only the one that sets it to 0.

Basically, try to replicate the post-functions from the transition that works into this one.

Alexandre Assier March 7, 2019

Hi Claudiu,

 Thanks again for your answer.

I haven't seen that in my transition graph, I don't have the Resolved -> Closed condition... :)

 So, as you said, I have replicated the sets to 0 post-function in the transition Resolved -> Closed and it works.

Thanks a lot for your help.


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