Issue Heirarchy is not showing up accurately on the Advance Roadmaps

Angana Patel September 30, 2022


I am in the middle of analyzing some capabilities in JIRA and Advance Roadmaps. 

I have a Project in which I have the Heirarchy set up as shown in Heirarchy_Issue (Image 1) 

It looks fine in the when I view it in via the EPIC. Meaning the Feature is configured as a child in the EPIC and the Story is also a child to the EPIC. 

All of these come up in the Advanced Roadmap - But there are issues.  Please see the second image. The POC project has features listed and also the EPIC. But the Features are not displaying fluidly under the EPIC like the Child relationship shows. And for some reason it place the EPIC under the category No parent associated. I don't want a parent reference. All I want is for the Roadmap to show proper hierarchy. Epic -> Feature -> Story - I am not able to fix this.



2 answers

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Kathy Hart
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September 30, 2022

In your Level Setup, you have Feature as ABOVE Epic. If you want Features to be children under Epics, then make yourself a new Issue type called Feature. 

The way you have it set up now, Feature is the highest level, and you would drag the Epic up to live UNDER one of the features, so it would no longer be an orphan. 

This is an alternate to the answer above. You could do it either way. 

Angana Patel October 3, 2022

Hi I have tried to add the feature as  the second level. Somehow I feel the numbering does not represent the hierarchy and I am unable to drag down the Feature below the epic.FeatureHierarchy.PNG

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Jimi Wikman
Rising Star
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September 30, 2022

The reason it ends up below the rest is that the starting issue type is Feature. When an Epic don't have a Feature as parent, then they show up as an orphan. This is the same for any issue that do not have parent all the way up to the starting issue type.

You can change the starting issue type to Epic, and it will show up with all other epics and no longer be an orphan.

You can not place any issue type below the Epic since it is fixed as parent to the stories. You can rename Epics to feature, though, and then create a new Epic above it in the hierarchy.

Angana Patel October 3, 2022

@Jimi Wikman Pls see my response to the prior post. I have tried to Rename EPIC to the Feature and also tried to create a new level for the EPIC as a primary. THe existing level of the EPIC is by default associated to the EPIC issue type and it is not letting me switch that.

Jimi Wikman
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 3, 2022

You need to rename the Epic Issue type so you get that set everywhere:

Rename Epic to Feature, then create a new issue type called Epic, or perhaps something like development Epic so you don't confuse it with other types of Epics.

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