Issue : A user story disappeared when changing its state from the tckets view

Baptiste CROUZET
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September 19, 2023

Yesterday, a user on our Jira was working with the ticket view and changed a user story from a state to the next one (from "to do" to "to test").
After that I attempt to find the ticket on the column associated to the new state of this US but the US was not present.

But we have no workflows ! The task can be found in tickets view, at the right place.

And when i try to review the project configuration, on the view where we associate the states to the columns, the view indicates the right amount of tickets with this state. In board view (3), the column indicates the wrong amount of ticket (2 instead of 3), so one ticket is missing.

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Baptiste CROUZET
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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September 20, 2023

EDIT : Misconfiguration from myself. Ignore this please.

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