Is there a way to track when an issue goes into a certain status with triggers? or Post Operations?

David Markowski (DO NOT USE) May 30, 2019

I have want to start tracking when an item goes from "New" to "In Progress" then when it get to a "UAT" or "Ready to Test" status ?  Is there a way to do this with out of the box workflows and IF there is a date there already NOT to update the date.  

3 answers

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John Funk
Community Leader
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May 30, 2019

Hey David,

If you are using the old JIRA issue view, you can click on the Transitions tab under the Activity section. 

Those values are also available through the API. And there are some free Chrome extensions that might provide some insight. 

BUT, you can't just do a JQL query to show those dates/times. 

Now, having said that, we sometime create a custom field that is available to us in JQL and timestamp the custom field as a post function on a transition. 

I hope that helps!

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Michael Thompson
Rising Star
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May 30, 2019

...And now that I'm thinking about it, Jira technically already tracks this for you and you can see the timestamps of each transition when you click on the Stateoscope tab above the comments.


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Michael Thompson
Rising Star
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May 30, 2019

What do you mean when you say you want to track when an item goes from New to In Progress and from UAT to Ready to Test? Do you want to get an email? Add a timestamp field? Something else?

Generally speaking, you can do this with a Post Function in your workflow, but without more detail I'm not sure if it's something you can do out of box or with an add-in.

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