Is there a way to search for Affected Version which is different from Fix Version?

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June 24, 2020

I'm looking for a JQL which will allow me to compare and search for tickets with an Affected Version that is not identical to its Fix Version.  The use case I have is fairly complex due to it being tied to some advanced rich filter functionality I'm attempting to use, so I'm not sure if I can describe it clearly enough in writing but will try.

Basically, I'm trying to determine our DRE (defect removal efficiency) metric for any given patch, and I'm using a rich filter dashboard with an AffectedVersion dropdown in the controller to manipulate my gadgets.  

I want to be able to find issues which were "deferred" (i.e. bugs shipped live intentionally) for a given patch release (which I want to be able to choose on the fly via my rich filter controller).  The best means of doing this in our project is to look for tickets with a released AV that is also less than the FV on the ticket, as that would indicate to us that a bug was found in one version and fixed in a later version we haven't released yet.  This search also must include BOTH currently open bugs as well as now-closed bugs, as there are sure to be some bugs from past AVs which were shipped live but have since been fixed / closed out.  I want them to be included in our DRE metric for the patch they affected when I select that AffectedVersion patch in my rich filter controller.

Because I intend to use rich filter functionality, I do not want to hard code a specific Fix Version into my JQL query.  I.E. I could certainly create a rich filter gadget with a JQL entered into it like, "affectedVersion = 5.6 AND fixversion > 5.6", and that would definitely give me the results I'm looking for.  However, entering that JQL on the gadget would mean that my gadget would ONLY be looking at tickets with fixversions later than 5.6, which wouldn't help me if I wanted to look at a different Affected Version's statistics.  For example, if I then changed my rich filter controller's AV to select the 5.5 version instead, I would then want to see all issues with fixversion > 5.5.

I already know what I need to make this work.  I need the arg "AffectedVersion < FixVersion" to function, or alternatively I could use "AffectedVersion != FixVersion" (along with some other additional args to narrow that search).  However, neither of these syntaxes work.  Is there any other way I can accomplish what I'm looking to do?

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