Is there a way to pre-fill comments?

Jared Biggins
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April 27, 2020

We have Salesforce integrated with our Jira instance, though I'll admit here not in an ideal way. One of the pain points we deal with is that in order for a comment made on a Jira issue to be added to the Salesforce case we have to preface the actual comment with "#salesforce".

Is there a way to pre-populate the comment field for a select group of projects that adds "#salesforce" to the comment field when the user clicks the Comment button? Ideally the user would have the option of deleting the pre-populated text as not every comment goes to Salesforce, but most do and we're running into an issue of inconsistently including it in the field manually.

Important to note here that most comments are made within the ticket, not a transition with a comment screen, so using a workflow function won't work here I don't think.


Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Hazwan Ariffin
Rising Star
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April 27, 2020

You would need an add on for this, such as Canned Responses Pro Templates for Jira. Have a look at the add on and give it a try! See if that works for you.

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