Is there a way to maintain the story card view on the board when the story has a subtask?

Spencer Long December 27, 2018

When a sub task is created off of the story, an additional row is added to the board and the story is minimized- is there a way to change this view?

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 27, 2018

Hello Spencer,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

Can you please share a screenshot of the view you are talking about? More specifically, I would like to know if you are using the old or the new issue view.

If you are using the old view, there are some customization that can be applied to change it by configuring the board columns using Swimlanes (... >Board settings > Swimlanes).

However, I think the new issue view is not customizable at this point since it's still a beta feature on JIRA.

We will be waiting for your answer to better understand your request.

Spencer Long December 27, 2018

Thank you, I will be able to provide screenshot when next sprint starts. Appreciate the reply

Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 28, 2018

You are welcome, Spencer.

We will be waiting for the screenshot to further help you.

If we don't have a chance to talk before 31st, I wish you a happy new year!

Spencer Long December 28, 2018

Thank you so much! To you to! Happy New Year!

Spencer Long January 7, 2019

Story with Task Minimized View.JPG

Spencer Long January 7, 2019

@Petter Gonçalves this is the screenshot. The story itself becomes minimized above columns on the board and even when the subtask is moved to done, the story card is not visible on the board- it's easily missed during stand-up.

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