Is there a way to find out if Issue was created via Jira WM forms?

Felix Grodmeier February 22, 2023


we are using Forms in Jira WM to let useres create a requests for our Operations team

In the same project we are creating internal issues that are of the same issue type. 


I would like to create a separate e-mail trigger to the requester, if the issue was created via forms. Does anyone know, if I can find out, if the issue was created via forms? 

Currently I have a workaround that triggers, if the requester is not in the Operations Team user group. 


Thanks in advance! :) 


2 answers

1 vote
Trudy Claspill
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January 23, 2024

I know this is an old question, but the same question was asked again today and I found a different answer.


According to an answer on this post, an issue created from a JWM form gets a label "business-form" added to it. I confirmed that is still true. You can check for that value in the Labels field to determine the issue was created by a JWM form.

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John Funk
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February 22, 2023

Hi Felix - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I don't know of a way to know this/do this except to put a unique custom field on the form and make the field required. Then check the value of the field in a condition in your automation. 

Felix Grodmeier February 24, 2023

Hi John, 

thanks for your suggestion!

I will try it out :)

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