Is there a query to find the stories fixversion matching with Epic fixversion?

neelam annad June 2, 2022

I gave stories in Jira TPK ‘Team stories’ and they have parent Epic in Jira TPK ‘Train Epic’

Need JQL to find the exceptions if stories fixversion not matching with the Epic Fixversion.


I create query but looks to me not efficient ones 

find all the Jan Epics and then get all the stories under that Epic and then see if fixversion is matching or not

For e.g. - issuefunction in issuesinEpics(‘project = “Train TPK” and issuetype = epic and fixversion =’) and issuetyoe = story and fixversion = traintpk ps.2022.01.18


The above query I need to create for each monthly release and then “OR” them.


does anyone know the answer?

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