Is there a limit on the number of comments or attachments in a Next Gen project issue?

Grant Whitacre March 1, 2021

Or in general is there a memory limit for an issue?  We're seeing that an issue no longer gets updated when a new comment is added.  The issue in question has about 170 attachments and over 200 comments.

If limitations of Nextgen projects are posted somewhere, can you point me to them?



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Brant Schroeder
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March 2, 2021

@Grant Whitacre 

I have not heard of any limitations and was not able to find any documentation on it but would assume that there would be performance issues at some point if there are a ton of attachments and comments.  I would suggest submitting an issue to Atlassian support and see if they have information on the limitations of cloud.

Grant Whitacre March 4, 2021

Thanks.  I have submitted a support ticket on this.

June 12, 2024

Hi @Grant Whitacre ,

Have you found the answer to your question? I have the same question.

Grant Whitacre June 12, 2024

Hi @Susheela_Kushwaha ,

Besides what Brant responded with, I did get a message earlier this year that, for Jira Cloud, the new issue limits are:

  •             5000 comments per issue
  •             5000 worklogs per issue
  •             2000 attachments per issue
  •             2000 issue links per issue (excluding child issues and subtasks)
  •             2000 remote issue links per issue

But the problem that I had in a NextGen project was occurring with an issue with far fewer comments and attachments than what is listed here.

Like Susheela_Kushwaha likes this
June 12, 2024

Great, thanks for sharing! 

I am also curious to know if the above limits apply only to company-managed projects. Here is a related article I found today:

However, it does not mention if the limits apply only to company-managed projects."

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