Is there a limit on sequence ID for issues under one jira project?

Abhishek Arora
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August 12, 2020

I have facing an issue where jira sequence ID is increasing exponentially under a project. Is there a limit on maximum sequence ID?

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Ste Wright
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August 12, 2020

Hi @Abhishek Arora 

Just to confirm - do you mean sequential IDs as in Issue Key / Issue ID?

As far as I know, they're only limited by code but will be exponentially higher than is possible to reach. It's much more likely your performance would slow too far to be useful prior to reaching that size for one project.

This answer suggests what that might be!


Abhishek Arora
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August 12, 2020

Thanks Stephen. Yes, I meant the Issue key/Issue ID. Even though the total number of issues remain low, the issue id is increasing exponentially because of the encoding issue not being utf-8. So I am not sure if it will affect the performance as the actual number of issues are not that many, the issue ID is high. Please let me know your thoughts.

Ste Wright
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August 12, 2020

Hi @Abhishek Arora 

I don't think it'd impact the performance, as it'll be based on content (comments, attachments, etc) as much as anything else.

ID-wise - it depends what you're up to now - but I'd think the IDs will go up into the millions or billions, if not much higher! Looking at the answer I linked to it is significantly larger than those numbers!


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