Is there a feature or plugin to add a timestamp in a JIRA comment?

Sean Maher September 12, 2019

I'd love to be able to add a timestamp to a comment that will be displayed in the user's local time zone when they view the comment. 

I can enter text like "image updated at 7am" but that won't respect the user's local time zone, which is awkward for remote teams. 

2 answers

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Rising Star
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September 12, 2019

No there is not but why not just agree to either include timezone when calling out times or agree that all times mentioned without a timezone will be assumed to be in a specific timezone?  I imagine you'd have to establish this working agreement for your geographically distributed team anyways as you would be talking times in conversations and other channels outside of jira.

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Nicholas Avradopoulos
I'm New Here
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May 8, 2024

Ditto on a need for this. Discord & Slack have tools for this - it makes planning workflows a lot quicker and easier

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