Is there a JIRA Gadget for tracking due dates for issues?

Ian Balas October 31, 2018

I want to be able to have the user see on the dashboard issues that are "Past Due", "Due This Week", and "Due in Two Weeks". Is there any way that this is possible with the gadgets already provided to me in JIRA Software? Would I have to look for a certain add-on to make this possible?


Ian Balas

6 answers

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Carlos Garcia Navarro
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October 31, 2018

Hi Ian,

You could us the 'due' field to create a filter that shows all the issues that are past due, due this week, and due in two weeks, and then add the filter gadget in the report. E.g.:

Due by the end of this week:

due < endOfWeek() and due > startofWeek()

Due by the end of next week:

due < endOfWeek("+1")

due < now()


Elsa Navarro February 20, 2024

Meaning you have to have a Field on your  task called " Due Date" or based on what Jira knows is due that week ?

I have the situation that i have a field called " customer inquiry received date" and i have only 2 days to answer, then i have another date field called " customer quote requestdate" and  i have 10 days to answer.

how can I do it using this proposed solution?

1 vote
Adeel Shoukat March 8, 2022

you can use the gadget Issue Calendar which has the functionality to calculate the Due Date 


1 vote
Ismael Jimoh
Rising Star
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October 31, 2018

Hi Ian,


Consider using filter result gadget and create unique filters and gadget for each.



  • If the due date is a field, filter for this field and it should help you with the result.
  • Save the created filter from above.
  • Add a filter result gadget to the dashboard.
  • Add the filter to this gadget (you will need separate filter and gadget for each.)
0 votes
Ian Balas November 1, 2018

Thank you all for the responses. Will look into add-ons at some point, but going for filter result gadget solution.

0 votes
Tom Lister
Community Leader
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November 1, 2018

Hi @Ian Balas

If you have the Scriprunner plugin you can create scripted fields to represent derived data values

0 votes
Raimundas Juska
Rising Star
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November 1, 2018

There is an add-on that I have created, which has some of the required functionality (overdue, due this week issues listed) -

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