Is it possible to grant access to view only specific incidents in a project?

mark.barringer June 30, 2020


We have multiple customers all with their own Projects in our JIRA system meaning that customer A can see everything they have raised, and customer B can see everything they have raised but not each others reported incidents.

This works fine so far however, there are the odd occasions where we might contact a customer in relation to an incident another one of our customers has reported and essentially work as the middleman for communication or work on something as a group.

Is there a way that we can grant customer B access to see and comment on (via the Portal and/or email notifications) specific incidents that we have granted access too even though they are in customer A's project built into JIRA?

I've looked at issue security levels and unless I'm missing something they don't seem to give me the flexibility that I want.

Any help would be appreciated.




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Danyal Iqbal
Rising Star
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June 30, 2020


 if you are not willing to go with security levels, I would just clone the issue from Project A and than move the clone to Project B and share it customer B. It seems painful but I can assure you it is simpler than maintaining security levels.

mark.barringer June 30, 2020

Hi Danyal,

Totally not opposed to going with security levels I am just struggling to work them out.

Theoretically, we'd invite customer B to customer A's project, restrict visibility to everything by default to only people from the customer A group and then manually add a tag or change the security level on the specific issue, but I'm not sure if this is possible, or if there is a better solution.

Cloaning the project would work - but would remove the collaborative working/updates we would like to use.

Danyal Iqbal
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 30, 2020

You can set up two security levels e.g

-security level A contains users/groups of customer A . This security level is automatically assigned to all tickets created in project A (with a postfunction on creates for example).

Security level shared contains users/groups of customer A and customer B. This security level can be set either by a workflow transition (restricted to project lead or someone who decides what Tickets you can share) or directly on the edit maks when the tickets needs to be shared with customer B.

once this is done, apply security level A to all existing issues in Project A and change the permission scheme to allow Customer B to browse project A.

Now you can share Tickets in project A with security level shared with customer B. You can also add other permission in the permission scheme based on the security levels.

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mark.barringer June 30, 2020

Thank you, I'll give it a shot!

Much appreciated.

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