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  • Is it possible to assign a project to another project or a Project category to another project category in JIRA 4.2.4

Is it possible to assign a project to another project or a Project category to another project category in JIRA 4.2.4

Stylite S
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December 13, 2011

In JIRA we can create projects and assign one or more projects to a project category.

Considering this as a single level hierarchy, is it possible to have multi level hierarchy system in JIRA i.e. to assign a project to another project or a Project category to another project category.


2 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 3, 2012

Nested projects is a long-standing request, and one that Atlassian are not going to deal with in the near future from what I can make out. See https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-12241

https://plugins.atlassian.com/plugins/com.almworks.jira.structure may be of some interest to you (Caveat - I've not tried it properly, just as a brief test, but I have heard good things and Almworks stuff that I have used in anger has been solid)

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Benni May 3, 2012

We would love a such feature too. We have serveral project, which we relase in a bundle. So each bundle has meta datas (e.g. version, changelog, roadmap and so on) like a project and consists of several projects.

It would be really great if anybody has a solution for this problem.


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