Inject a template renderer in a servlet

yonimoses January 12, 2020



I'm building a simple plugin and a servlet which handles the configuration.

I'm working with an old API (not spring/osgi) and i'm trying to inject the template render and app properties without any luck.

I keep on getting the NoClassDefFoundError.


my code is 


<component-import key="applicationProperties" interface="com.atlassian.sal.api.ApplicationProperties"/>
<component-import key="templateRenderer" interface="com.atlassian.templaterenderer.TemplateRenderer"/>
<component-import key="userManager" interface="com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserManager"/>
<component-import key="i18nResolver" interface="com.atlassian.sal.api.message.I18nResolver"/>

<servlet name="Configuration Servlet" key="rest-configuration-servlet"
<description key="configuration-servlet.description">Configuration Servlet for Rest endpoints</description>

 private ApplicationProperties applicationProperties;
private TemplateRenderer renderer;
public ConfigurationServlet(TemplateRenderer templateRenderer, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties) {
this.renderer = templateRenderer;
this.applicationProperties = applicationProperties;

If i change the scope, the plugin fails to load all together.
I've also tried several version without any luck.




1 answer

0 votes
yonimoses January 13, 2020

I ended up switching to Atlassian's new api , using @Scanned .

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