Inherit the values of standard custom field from a parent field

J Chan April 9, 2024


I have request that a ticket should be able to inherit the values of their parent issue type.

However, the child issue is a standard issue type instead of a sub-task, do we have any way to inherit the values once we define the parent ticket without using plugin apps?

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Mitchell Niesar
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April 9, 2024

Hey @J Chan

Yes this can be accomplished through automation, without the use of 3rd party plugins.

For an example the following would work:

Trigger: Value changes for "Parent"

Condition: However you want to restrict the rule

Action: Edit issues fields - define which fields you would like to be copied. Ensure you select copy, and select copy from parent issue.

Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 1.42.59 PM.png

This will update the fields of the child issue (Whether standard or sub-task), when the Parent changes / you've defined the parent ticket. 

Hope this works for you!

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Trudy Claspill
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April 9, 2024

Hello @J Chan 

You could use Automation Rules to copy data from a parent issue to its child issue. This could be triggered by the creation of the child issue, and/or by a change to the field in the parent issue.

This would not automatically fill in the field in the child issue when you are in the Create Issue dialog. 

Are you familiar with Automation Rules?

Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 10.39.34 AM.png

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