Incomming mail synch constantly..... how to stop it ?

jrii September 2, 2019


Have configured incoming mail server and handler to certain project. I tried to ensure functionality firstly using my own account  .. (mistake) and once I thought that it's ok then I changed configuration not to include my account anymore. 

Problem is that still JIRA is populating my mails to this project inbox. I even deleted mail configuration, but still mails are synchronized to project backlog. 


Really need help how to stop this  ... as soon as possible, thx in advanced.




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Fazila Ashraf
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September 2, 2019

Hi @jrii 

You said you changed the configuration to not include your account. Could you delete the mail handler and related configs and start fresh?

jrii September 2, 2019



Changed mail handler not to use local files and change project scope to one of my playground ones so wondering this this original project still gets my mails.


I can delete mail handler, no problems with that. Would like to learn how this mail synching is even possible...



jrii September 3, 2019

Seems that deleting mail handler solved problem ... or it just took time for changes to imapct, thx @Fazila Ashraf from your suppot.

Fazila Ashraf
Community Leader
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September 3, 2019

Hi @jrii 

Glad that it is resolved for you. I do not know what specific config might have caused this, general easy way seemed to delete and start fresh. :)

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