In filter subscription, can we set multiple recipient over 'personal subscription' in JIRA cloud?

Vidya Somachandra July 9, 2018

In filter subscription feature, can we set multiple recipient over 'personal subscription' in JIRA Cloud? 

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July 9, 2018

Not directly. Sort of a workaround but.. If a user contains email address is actually a distribution list (i,e. a group email alias), then everyone on that distribution list will receive the same email, since JIRA doesn't know who the users on the list are..

Vidya Somachandra July 10, 2018

Thanks for the response. I will try this option. :)

Vidya Somachandra July 11, 2018

This would work for some scenarios, but considering my situation we have some filters which need subscription for different user combinations where it is bit difficult to maintain group emails. :(

But thanks again for the workaround.

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