I want to import Jira cloud REST API results directly into Excel. No JSON file or other tool in the middle (if possible); but from results to Excel using Excel's Data → From Web feature. Our Jira instance is not public; and one must be logged into our network to access our Jira instance (not sure if this matters).
When I initially tried it, my results truncated. I got only 29 records when I should get about 400 records.
So, how do I do export the REST API results directly into Excel? I know some community genius has figured this out. I am NOT a developer just trying to get data easily with minimal effort into Excel.
Can someone test that has a similar instance set up and see what happens for you? What steps did you take to get all the records to import into Excel in a list format?
Thanks for your help community!
The URL would be similar to: https://yourjirainstancename.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/field