Images failing to load

Angelina Hoppe
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May 6, 2024

As of today, no images are displayed as previews in tickets. The problem occurs in all browsers and on all devices.

I think the problem is related to my account, as there are team members who can still see images in preview mode. But there is also at least one other team member who has the same problem.

Can someone please help me.

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Dirk Ronsmans
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May 6, 2024

Hi @Angelina Hoppe

I think your best bet here is to create a support ticket through

I noticed a couple of other users on this community also reporting it so might be a broader underlying issue.

Dirk Ronsmans
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May 6, 2024

@Angelina Hoppe , @Emmanuel GASNIER , @Michiel_Accou 

Seems that there was an issue reported but should be resolved now.

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May 6, 2024

Can confirm that the issue has been fixed here.

Emmanuel GASNIER
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May 6, 2024

Yes, it's OK now. Thx

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May 6, 2024

We are having the same problem. Adding images to issues are not visible. They can be downloaded.
Images already on issues are still visible.

Emmanuel GASNIER
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 6, 2024

Same problem with images, with all browsers...

0 votes
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 11, 2024

Same issue.

Could you please help me ?

Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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June 11, 2024

@Nicola ,

At the time of this original question there was an ongoing incident. At this time I don't see anything yet on the statuspage

You might want to raise a new question with some more details to the issue you are encountering.

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