I would like to display the issue key on the transition screen. How do I do it using script runner

Garden16 January 8, 2022

I would like to display the issue key on the transition screen. How do I do it using script runner

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 9, 2022

You could need to create a new editable field and duplicate the key into it, writing a listener that can populate it on every change to an issue or a post-function that populates it on every transition, because the field would be offered to the user as an editable thing on the screen and you would want to throw away any change they made to it.

I would not bother.  Of what possible use is the issue key to someone who has looked at an issue and decided it needs to be moved to a new status?  What would the key tell them while they were moving it that they don't already know?

Garden16 January 9, 2022

My scenario is is something like this : 

 I create a Bug issue type and under the Bug Issue type  a 'Defect' subtask is created by testers when ever they find a defect during the sprint. All the defects are handled(defect life cycle) using the 'Defect' sub task . I have associated a screens for every defect transition . When the tester clicks on the create subtask link under the More button , The create subtask screen allows the Tester to all the details related to the defect and a new 'Defect' Sub task  is created. The New 'Defect' subtask has issue key (Id) that  gets generated upon creation of the task. The 'Defect' sub task then gets assigned to the Dev team. The Developer clicks on the Open Button to view the defect details. I have Open defect transition screen associated when Open button is clicked. I would like to  display the 'Issue Key' or Issue Id on the open defect transition screen. How do I display the 'Defect' subtask Id on the transition screen as the defect moves through its life cycle. 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 9, 2022

An issue will not have a key until it has been created.  You can't put something on the create screen to show the key because you don't have one until after you've created it.

Also, why do you want to see the key as an issue transitions?  What does it tell the user who has already read the issue and decided to move it to a new status?  Of what possible use is it to them?

Garden16 January 9, 2022

Open defect transtion screen view.PNG

Garden16 January 9, 2022

Defect screen view.PNG

Garden16 January 9, 2022

when the defect subtask is created a new defect I id created . I would like to  insert the Defect Id on the Open defect  transition screen.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 9, 2022

Yet again, you can't do it on "create issue" because you don't have the id yet.

And could you please tell us why you want it on a transition screen?  What does it tell the user that they need to know when they're transitioning the issue?

Garden16 January 9, 2022

when you click on the  create sub task link for the bug issue type it opens an 'Create Subtask' screen , where in the testers input the new defect information and click on the create button. Once the new defect  is created , an Id is also created .  When you click on the New defect  subtask , the defect  subtask screen (view detail )screen opens up.

There is Open defect button on view detail Sub task screen. When the developer clicks on the Open defect  button, An Open defect transition screen opens up. I wanted the defect ID(defect subtask ID) to be displayed on the open defect  transition screen.

Garden16 January 9, 2022

Create subtask for new defect.PNG

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 9, 2022

Repeating the spec does not answer the question.

Could you please explain what problem doing this would solve?  Why are you trying to display something the users have no use for in the screen?   How would seeing it help them do their work and update the issue?

As for how, I've already told you that above.  I'm just trying to point out that it's a waste of your time to do this, as it does not seem to help your people in any way.

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