I'm trying to use workflow properties to limit who can edit an issue in Status

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July 17, 2023

I found this in the documentation:

Use workflow properties 

I'm trying to limit by project role who can edit the issue. It appears I need to know the Project Role ID to do this. Where is that found?

Edit permissions Screenshot 2023-07-17 134823.png

It is this part that is my problem. I understand I should have jira.permission.edit.projectrole for the property but I don't know where to find the ID # (2 in the example) for my project. I assume it is added at the end either as a tag on projectrole2 or as projectrole.2 or something that works.

projectRole ID Screenshot 2023-07-17 134950.png

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July 17, 2023

Hi, @Danno 

In workflow click at Status, then click at Propertiesimage.png

In Roles list, in System, press Edit, or just hover mouse over this button, and you will see ID of Role.


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July 17, 2023

@Evgenii thanks for getting me aligned on the project role ID. I've updated the Status Property by using this: Status property project role with correct ID Screenshot 2023-07-17 145603.png

Do you know if this works with a transition as well? Will that lock out editing for the rest of the workflow as opposed to setting it for every transition?

It appears to be the case. Thank you again for your help.

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August 10, 2023

@Evgenii do you know how to set the property to use to specific roles in the Status property? Is it even possible? I know I can't add the property twice when I'm in the editor.

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August 10, 2023

Hi, @Danno 

You want to use 2+ project roles in permission?

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August 11, 2023

@Evgenii thanks for checking back here. I'm hoping you can shed some more light on my issue.

I was able to restrict editing to one role but a use case came up that I thought could be solved by having the property contain two project roles but it doesn't allow you to create two property entries for the same Status.

I tried a number of variations and found that none of these worked as intended. I used <role ID1, role ID 2>, <role ID1; role ID 2>, and <role ID1/role ID 2>.

I was wondering if I just didn't have the syntax correct. I also suspect I may have to use the plain jane edit property to specify users to make it work. Any thoughts?

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August 11, 2023

Got it. You can't set list of roles, but you can set 2+ more properties. 

But there is small trick, you have to set properties with ids, like:



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August 14, 2023

@Evgenii Nope, that seems to be a problem with this particular permission. It doesn't work the same as specifying multiple users. I was hoping I could just list them all in the one property but I guess it isn't possible either. See below:

Status Property issue Screenshot 2023-08-14 143728.png

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August 14, 2023

Hi, @Danno 

I meant, that you must add numbers to properties, at the end, after dot(.)

It can help to add multiple similar properties. I made an example:


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August 15, 2023

@Evgenii I understand now. I totally missed the .suffix part of the documentation the first time around. Learn something every time. Thank you again for sharing. 🙏

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