I'm trying to add specific user to one of JIRA automation function but the user did not appear.

Screenshot 2020-04-15 at 10.08.24 PM.png

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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April 15, 2020

Please be sure that the user you are trying to add actually is a member of the project and has the necessary permissions to be assigned an issue. You can do this simply by manually editing an issue in the project and editing the Assignee field.

I'd already gave all access to the user but still the same problem occur. Is it because my account also have a limited access to certain function? My colleague seems to be doing just fine.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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April 15, 2020

So are you saying if you manually try to assign the issue to this user it works or does not? If it does not can you assign the issue to any other user?

I can manually assign the issue to user but as right now I'm exploring the JIRA automation function and this problem occur when I'm trying to set up rule.

Jack Brickey
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April 15, 2020

ok. I just wanted to verify that it could be done manually to rule out a permission issue associated w/ the specific user. Next question, w/in the automation rule you are creating, can you assign to other users successfully? If so then I'm unsure why you are unable to w/ the one specific user. One other thought, is this rule a global rule or project rule. If global, it may be failing because the user doesn't have assignable permissions for all projects.

Within the automation rule I cannot assign to anyone including myself since the option/dropdown did not appear. The rule is for project rule. Right now I'm testing the function of JIRA automation by creating a dummy project. So there are only 2 people in the project including me.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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April 15, 2020

unsure why you are running into the issue. I was able to do so as shown below.


I had found the solution. It seems that my administrator had limited my access to certain functions. After allowing the access I can use JIRA automation properly. Thanks for the feedback.

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