I am trying to fetch issues key with its hyperlink in excel sheet using python.

Jeelben Manojbhai Bhuptani
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February 23, 2024

I am unable to fetch the link of issue in my excel sheet.

e.g - In Image, Instead of Err:510 I want EXTTHSE-1957  with its hyperlink. The link is shown in equation box in image.


Code :


url = 'https://vvdntech.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/EXTTHSE/issues/'

path = os.getcwd()
files = os.listdir(path)

Option = {'server': "https://vvdntech.atlassian.net/"}
Jira_1 = JIRA(options=Option, basic_auth=("xxxxx","yyyy"))
version = str(input(
"Please enter latest release version to list all the closed issues & Open issue in the latest release \n (Provide "
"version enclosed with '') :"))

priority = ['Highest', 'High', 'Medium', 'Low', 'Lowest']

def QAOpenIssues():
SNo = 0
lstSNo = []
lstkey = []
# lstSummary = []
# lstPriority = []

for p in priority:
for singleIssue in Jira_1.search_issues(
jql_str=f'project = "EXTTHSE" AND type = Bug '):

k = str(singleIssue.key)
Issue_link = f"=HYPERLINK({url + singleIssue.key})"
SNo += 1
data = {
'Sr.No': lstSNo,
'Key': lstkey,


df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.to_excel('QA_OpenIssues.xlsx', index=False)

print("QA_OpenIssues.xlsx successfully saved.")


def formating():
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.xlsx'):
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file)
ws = wb['Sheet1']
for cell in ws['1:1']:
cell.font = Font(bold=True, size=11)
cell.fill = PatternFill(patternType='solid', start_color='9bb7d5')

for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=1, max_row=ws.max_row, min_col=None):
for cell in row:
border = Side(border_style='thin', color='000000')
cell.border = Border(top=border, left=border, right=border, bottom=border)


print("Fomatting is done in all the sheets.")


1 answer

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Mohamed Benziane
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October 31, 2024


The issue is in the EXCEL file, you need to pass an url surronding by double quote <">. So you code need to be something like this :

Issue_link = f'=HYPERLINK("{url + singleIssue.key }")'

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