How to view all subtasks assigned to a person in the current sprint

Sébastien Almiron July 8, 2020

Hi all, 

I can find out how and I hope someone will be able to help me 😊

We are a few people in different teams and we run multi sprints on multi projects. How can we know all the tasks and subtasks assigned to a person for the whole project?

I try a lot of JQL queries but I can't get the list of sub-tasks, only tasks (unless I manually check each table of the project).

How can I know all the tasks and sub-tasks in the current sprint (openSprint() )? It seems to be a block from Jira because on future sprints (futureSprint() ) it works.

Really big thanks for your help!

3 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 13, 2020

There is a flaw in Jira here.

In Scrum, sub-tasks are an irrelevance and it has nothing to say about them.  Jira has them because they can be useful for splitting up larger pieces of work (so you can assign bits of the story to different people, or approach dealing with it in discrete steps, etc), but they're not things that the sprint handles. 

They can be thought of as "part of a sprint" by virtue of their parent story (task) being in a sprint, but Jira fails us when reporting on this - the sprint field we want to search on is not available on sub-tasks. 

I've fixed this in the past with Server - a calculated field called something like "sprint search" that simply echoes the sprint name out on all issue types based on looking at the parent story, but I'm not sure it can be done on Cloud

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Jack Brickey
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July 8, 2020

Can you start with this and let me know the

assignee = currentUser() and Sprint in openSprints()

I don’t use NG for any SW/scrum projects so unsure of the results

if you want only tasks and sub-tasks try this

issuetype in (task, Sub-task) and assignee = currentUser() and Sprint in openSprints()

Sébastien Almiron July 8, 2020

Thanks Jack,

I have already tried this, but with the openSprints() it only shows the tasks :( 


As soon as I add "AND Sprint in openSprints()" all the subtasks are hidden. 

Jack Brickey
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July 8, 2020

Hmmm, maybe a NG thing as it is working for me on classic


Sébastien Almiron July 8, 2020

I have no luck with JIRA, I tried to manage our projects in Classic, but the boards don't keep the order of the subtasks ... which is nonsense because people don't know which one to start with.



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Sébastien Almiron July 8, 2020

We use next gen projects. 

I have a big board in classic to view all current sprints in one board, but in classic it only shows tasks.

In the swimlane I have select "stories" (Group sub-tasks under their parent issue. Issues without subtasks will be shown in their own group at the bottom.) but as we use the epics, it group by epics and only shows tasks.

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