How to use a specific user's/assignee's name as key in a "Create lookup table" in an automation rule

Odilon Nagay June 17, 2024


I am building an automation with a "Create lookup table" and on my lookup table I have the pair users and a value, like the exampleTable below:

Key -> Value

Odilon Nagay -> 5

John Doe -> 6

Mary Jane -> 3


The key corresponds to an "assignee.diplayName", but when I use it in the get formula to get the key of the lookup table it is not working. Here is my formula:

{{#=}}{{exampleTable.get(issue.assignee.displayName)}}*{{issue.Story Points}}{{/}}


If I change the formula to the below it works:

{{#=}}{{exampleTable.get("Odilon Nagay")}}*{{issue.Story Points}}{{/}}


But I want this formula to be dynamic and change the get based on assignee.displayName.


My goal is to "Edit issue field" with a dynamic formula that uses keys from a lookup table and these keys are assignee's display names. 


Thank you!

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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June 17, 2024

Hi @Odilon Nagay 

The key value in the lookup table must exactly match to work with the get() function.

Have you checked if the spacing or case are the same for the displayName values and the keys in the lookup table?  You can check that by writing the {{issue.assignee.displayName}} to the audit log to confirm it matches what you expected.

If that does not help...Please post images of your complete automation rule, the action where the lookup get() call occurs, and of the audit log details.  Those will provide context to help explain what you are observing.  Thanks!

Kind regards,

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