How to use Value Field Condition (in the workflow) with Cascading Selected Lists

a.moldavantsev May 12, 2021

I want to set up Value Field Condition in the workflow. My field is based on Cascading Selected List with two levels:
1. Client
2. Project
If I put the only first level in the Value field (on condition configuring screen) it's working only if the only first level of the field did fill at the task. If both levels did fill at the task it's doesn't working.
Could u tell me, how I've to use this type of customs fields in this type of condition?Screenshot 2021-05-12 at 18.25.25.png

1 answer

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Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__
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May 12, 2021

Hi @a.moldavantsev you just need to put OptionID of second level option to condition's value field. I just tested it and it works, so if you need more info, feel free to ask...

Gerardo Dalena
December 14, 2021

Hi @Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__ I'm actually struggling with this. What do you mean by second level option?

So far, I've been trying to use the parent option ID and it is not working.


Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__
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December 17, 2021

Hi @Gerardo Dalena  if you click your parent option new page with child options is displayed. And you need to get the child option's ID and use it for your condition. For example you can have following cascading values

  • A (id = 10000)
    • AA (id = 10001)
    • AB (id = 10002)
  • B (id = 10003)
    • AA (id = 10004)
    • AB (id = 10005)

So you can see that AA option for parent A has a different ID than for parent B. In case you want to build a condition for A->AA you need to use id=10001 for condition.

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Gerardo Dalena
December 21, 2021

Hi Martin,

thanks, I'll give that a try.

Gerardo Dalena
December 27, 2021

Hi @Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__ 

it works, thanks a lot!

Best regards.

Mauricio Heberle
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August 2, 2023
Ersula Igori May 13, 2024

@Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__  Am I understanding correctly that you are stating that using the parent option IDs will not work?

A (id = 10000) and 

B (id = 10003)

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