How to use Teams in a Plan for capacity tracking

Hernaiz_ Llarod
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May 14, 2024

I am currently working on creating a plan for a specific team. The purpose of this plan is to develop a proof of concept (POC) that can display capacity. We need to report the capacity of each team. I can see the story points, but I can only see them at the story and sub-level. I would like to see them at the epic level. I'm not sure if there's a way to automate this process by using the sum of the story points of the child. Another question I have is how I can map the teams to the scrum teams.

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Stevan Mandić
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June 5, 2024

@Hernaiz_ Llarod jira plans have roll-up story points option. When selected it will calculate sum of story points of child issues.

To see a rollup of story points from Stories up to Initiatives there are a couple of settings that need to be configured.

1. Ensure your plan is configured to use Story Points for estimation. You can do this by clicking on the "3 dot" menu button next to your plan name, then selecting "Configure". From here you want to navigate to the "Scheduling" tab, then select "Story Points" from the Estimate Issues In bullet menu.

2. Ensure you have Roll Up turned on in your view settings. You can do this by returning to the standard Plan view, selecting "View settings", then checking the "Others" check box in the Roll Up section.

From here you should be able to see your story point estimations rolling up from Stories to Epics, and then from Epics to Initiatives. I've included a screenshot to show you what it should look like!

Regarding mapping the teams:

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