How to use Current Version on "Affects Version"?

Yair Abergel August 1, 2011

Can i have current version "Affects Version" of a several projects

For example, say you have serveral versions on several branch:

branch X: version :1, 2, 3, 4.

branch Y: version :1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

branch Z: version :1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6.

4 is the current version of
branch X

5 is the current version of branch Y

6 is the current version of branch Z

, so whenever people make a new issue you want the affects version to default version .
Is there a away to do this?


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Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 7, 2011

Unfortunately you can't do this out of the box.

One idea is that you could add a Workflow Post Function to the initial Create transition of the Workflow.
You would need to write a plugin with a Workflow Post Function that would set the Affects Version to "current" if it is empty.
Unfornatley this would not show the default to the user on the create screen, it would set it after they click OK, if they hadn't explicitly set an Affects Version.

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